Basic Methods Of Pest Control You May Wish To Learn


Here is a list of some products that you can buy and use in pest control. This will depend on the type of pest that you want to deal with and the environmental factors. Before you use one it is good to know how it works and take precautions to avoid poisoning yourself.

Floating row covers

This is a white, translucent and porous polyester fabric which acts as a barrier to insects. This cover is meant to be translucent so that it can let in the needed amount of light. This is used temporarily to help the plant pass certain critical stages and at this time is when the targeted pests are active. This cover can still be left for the entire lifestyle of the plant where the plant does not need insect pollination. This method of pest control services  is mostly effective for mobile pests like the flea beetle.


Pheromone traps

Pheromones are certain chemicals that are released by insects and they use them to attract other insects of the opposite sex. Scientists have manipulated these chemicals and produce similar ones which are then used as a bait to attract the targeted insect. Pheromones traps have been used to control pests like cabbage loopers. You can also use this for early detection of pests in your house so that you can employ more methods of controlling pests.


Sticky traps

The traps used here have some sticky substances which are colored in a given way to attract the insect of interest. For this to be effective you must make sure that the traps are sticky and clean at all times. These traps are sold but you can also make one for yourself which is very easy. With this method of pest control surrey you must know the kind of color that the target insect is attracted to because different insects are attracted to different colors.

Insecticidal soap

This kind of soap contains certain fatty acids which is what will dissolve the insect's cuticle hence getting rid of it. You will find the formulated insecticidal soap being sold specifically to be used in controlling pests. This spray is only effective when it gets into contact with the insect when it is still wet because after it dries, it will not have any effect on the insect. You can use this to control pests like mites, white flies, aphids and many other insects with soft bodies.


Oil sprays

This will work by suffocating the insects and will only be effective if the oil will get into contact with the insect directly. This should not be used during hot days or even on plants which are suffering from lack of moisture. Before you can start using the oil spray, it is advised that you first test it on a few leaves to monitor the effect it will have on the plant after 48 hours. During the spraying you must also make sure that you do not spray the beneficial insects. This method can be used to control pests like mites, leaf miners, beetles, leaf-hoppers and many more insects.